See how Google is showing even more Shopping Ads on desktop this season

On product queries, product listing ads are dominating over text ads. The post See how Google is showing even more Shopping Ads on desktop this season appeared first on Search Engine Land.

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See how Google is showing even more Shopping Ads on desktop this season

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See how Google is showing even more Shopping Ads on desktop this season

On product queries, product listing ads are dominating over text ads. The post See how Google is showing even more Shopping Ads on desktop this season appeared first on Search Engine Land.

Read more from the original source:
See how Google is showing even more Shopping Ads on desktop this season

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See how Google is showing even more Shopping Ads on desktop this season

On product queries, product listing ads are dominating over text ads. The post See how Google is showing even more Shopping Ads on desktop this season appeared first on Search Engine Land.

Read more from the original source:
See how Google is showing even more Shopping Ads on desktop this season

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